Biomed 05 | Cell Production Technology

Cell cultivation plays a central role in various next-generation technologies. From advancements in cell and gene therapy, to the production of vaccines, replacing animal models, discovering novel drugs, and enabling the creation of cultivated meat and leather. Meeting the demand for high numbers of high-quality cells, bioreactor technology tailored for cell cultivation is necessary. These bioreactors provide an ideal environment wherein crucial factors like oxygen, temperature and pH are being regulated. However, more factors play a role in successful cell cultivation, like nutrients and growth factors.

Biomed05 collaborates closely with end-users to pioneer novel technologies aimed at next-generation bioreactors for further automation and precise control over cell cultivation processes. This involves innovative sensor technology to continuously monitor cell death, the development of animal-component-free cell cultivation media, and the seamless integration of the different components into the next-generation bioreactors via microfluidics. This way, far-reaching control over the cell culture process will be realized, leading to high-quality cells and cell-derived products. 


We foresee a future where cells are the core of next-generation innovations. Biomed05 pioneers in advanced cell manufacturing technologies, providing sustainable, scalable, and precise solutions that drive progress toward a healthier and more sustainable planet.


Our mission is to revolutionize cell manufacturing by developing next-generation bioreactor technologies that deliver advanced automation and unparalleled process control, ensuring the production of high-quality cells at the scale needed to meet global demands.

Building Blocks

To make the project a success, Biomed05 combines the expertise of different partners to develop innovative solutions for next-generation cell production technologies. This involves the bioreactor technology, development of animal-component-free media, innovative sensor technology for advanced process control, integration of the components in bioreactor environments via microfluidics, and evaluation of the developed technologies by various end-users. 

Bioreactor technology

Scinus Cell Expansion has developed a unique bioreactor system for the controlled cultivation of cells. The system is highly flexible and allows high-fold expansion of both adherent and suspension cell types to clinically relevant numbers. This involves a variety of relevant cell types including mesenchymal stromal cells, T cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), and organoids. 

Animal-component free media

Animal serum has been used for a long time in cell cultivation to stimulate the growth of the cells. This serum contains beneficial components, including essential nutrients, growth factors, cytokines, and hormones.

However, the composition of the serum is non-defined, leading to variations per batch, and the use of animal serum raises ethical concerns. Therefore, TNCBio develops new medium formulations that are well-defined and animal component free to increase the robustness of the cultivation and decrease the variation between batches.


IamFluidics develops next-generation biomaterials for scalable 2D and 3D cell cultivation. Specifically, IamFluidics offers dissolvable microcarriers and microcapsules to enable 2D and 3D cultures in suspension bioreactors. This technology facilitates the highly controlled culture of (stem) cells, cell spheroids, and organoids at clinical and even industrial scale.

Sensor technology

Helia Biomonitoring and TU Eindhoven are developing sensors based on a technique called Biosensing By Particle Motion (BPM). This technique offers a solution for continuous biomolecular monitoring for a wide variety of substances in a pico- to millimolar range. It is based on the tracking of the motion of particles that are molecularly tethered to a surface, where the motion reveals reversible biochemical interactions with single-molecule resolution. In Biomed05, BPM technology will be optimized to continuously monitor cell stress and health. 

ChiralVision, Surfix and University of Twente are collaborating to develop new photonic sensors to allow detection of small-molecule binding by interferometry. The mass and/or conformational change of binding a molecule to a receptor causes a phase shift of the light within the photonic waveguide. This phase shift can be translated to the concentration of the biomarker. In Biomed05, this technique will be optimized to monitor the concentration of essential medium components. 

Integration by microfluidics

The bioreactor, cultivation medium, and sensor technology will be combined in a demonstrator that shows its value in next-generation cell manufacturing. This involves continuous monitoring of the bioreactor environment by automated microfluidic sampling and sample preparation for the sensor technology. These sensors will provide input that can be used to direct and optimize the cell cultivation process. Integration and development of the necessary components in the bioreactors is done by Bronkhorst and Demcon

Evaluation technologies

The developed technologies and prototypes in this project will be evaluated by various end-users in our project (Ncardia, Batavia, UMC Utrecht). They will test the technologies and use it to optimize their cell production processes. The demonstrators in Biomed05 will focus on viral vector production (Batavia, UMC Utrecht), and iPSC cultivation and differentiation (Ncardia). These demonstrators should showcase the next-generation bioreactor technology with far-reaching control over cell culture processes, leading to high-quality cells and cell-derived products.  



For more information regarding this project, please contact Wouter Beenker, Project Leader, Cell Production Technology, at