Biomed 03 | Organ-on-Chip

In the Biomed 03 "Organ-on-Chip" project, we are dedicated to reshaping and tailoring industrial production processes for advanced and standardized Organ-on-Chip (OoC) platforms. The Netherlands excels in knowledge and expertise in OoC technology, and we are taking the next step for further impactful progress: the establishment of an integrated production technology chain for OoC.

Biomed 03 aims to reach this goal by catalysing and streamlining multi-disciplinary collaboration among chip developers, machine builders, process technologists, and biologists. By uniting these diverse disciplines into one ecosystem, we aim to construct a cohesive production chain capable of seamlessly integrating specialized technological and biological components.

Through the implementation of three demonstration platforms of increasing functionality, modularity and autonomy, we aim to prove the feasibility and efficacy of our integrated approach. Our mission is clear: to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and between invention and standardization – thereby unlocking the full potential of OoC technology, and accelerating its adoption by the widest range of end users by fulfilling their specific purposes.


Biomed 03 aims to trigger, speed up and lead the widespread adoption of organ-on-chip technology in research and industry. This is achieved by developing scalable technological solutions which, by combining versatility and ease of use, allow end-users to establish potentially complex in-vitro models of human (patho)physiology. This vision is realized by means of open and modular technology platforms which address a range of requirements for complexity and autonomy. 


Biomed 03 aims to foster a rich ecosystem of developers, suppliers, and end-users of organ-on-chip technology to forge a complete national value chain which covers all aspects of bio-technological development, scalable production and commercial proposition. Standardization, versatility and ease of use of the proposed technology are integral to the value proposition by alignment with established standards in microfluidics and good manufacturing practice protocols.​ 


The goal of Biomed 03 is to design, implement, validate and ultimately commercialize technology platforms for organ-on-chip applications. The focus is specifically on the development of three microfluidic platforms of increasing modularity, complexity and autonomy: a single-organ platform with integrated opto-mechanical sensing and compatible with laboratory automation, a modular multi-organ microfluidic platform with integrated sensors, and a modular, highly-integrated and fluidically-autonomous platform for high-content applications.



For more information regarding this project, please contact Massimo Mastrangeli, Project Leader, Organ-on-Chip, at