Webinar (English)
Webinar: The developments in NXTGEN Hightech Semicon 03 & Semicon 05
In the NXTGEN Hightech programme, work is being done within the Semiconductors domain on the next generation of chips. This effort is spread across nine projects. In this webinar, you will receive an update on the developments to date in the NXTGEN Hightech projects Semicon 03 & Semicon 05.
Semicon 03 NXTGEN Chip Assembly Equipment
‘Future chip assembly equipment and applications’ by ITEC
Semicon 05 Depositie en Printen voor Heterogene Assemblage
‘Deposition and Printing for Heterogeneous assembly' by TNO-Holst
Future chip assembly equipment and applications by ITEC. Market drivers and technology trends. ITEC assembly equipment roadmap – new system architectures
Deposition and Printing for Heterogeneous assembly by TNO-Holst. Processes for high-volume and high-speed chip assembly. 3D printed electronics, additive manufacturing of electronics systems, process and equipment.
If you already have questions upfront, please send them to semiconductors@hightechnl.nl, and we will try to answer them during the webinar or at a later stage.
More about the Semicon 03-project:
The NXTGEN Chip Assembly Equipment project focuses on developing advanced technologies and process flows for the next generation of chip assembly equipment, which needs to be more efficient, precise, and cost-effective. In the Netherlands, traditionally strong in the production and assembly of semiconductors, there is an urgent need for innovation to meet growing market demand and address shortcomings of current systems, such as limited productivity and high energy consumption. This project aims for a paradigm shift by integrating contactless handling with precisely controlled force fields, enabling an energy-efficient and fully digitally controllable chip assembly.
More about the Semicon 05-project:
Semicon05 focuses on improving chip packaging techniques crucial for the functioning of chips in applications such as electric vehicles and 5G technology. With the increasing complexity and functionality requirements of chips, traditional assembly and packaging methods often no longer suffice. Additive manufacturing, already more advanced in sectors like automotive and healthcare, now also offers possibilities for the semiconductor industry. The project will concentrate on addressing fundamental issues within the chip packaging industry by applying these advanced additive manufacturing technologies.
Sign up for the webinar and stay informed about the developments in Semicon 03 and Semicon 05!